Call In Your Thanksgiving Order: 678-878-2922
All Turkeys are Fresh and 100% All Natural.
We start taking orders for Fresh Turkeys (100% All Natural), at the end of
August, beginning of September. Pick up begins Monday 11/25.
All Natural White Feather Bird:
10-14 lb
16-20 lb
20-24 lb
American Bred Heritage Black:
(high end, like the wagyu of turkey)
20-25 lb
Nueske's Spiral Cut 1/2 Ham (bone in) with light glaze
average weight 7 lb + -
(Has always been a winner as well)
I placed my order for Turkeys at the end of July.
We usually sell out by early November. If you want a Turkey for
Christmas, order it now, I will freeze and then slack out for your Christmas order
pick up.
Special Hours of operation for Thanksgiving period
Open only for pre-order pick ups Monday 11/25,
Tuesday 11/26, and Wednesday 11/27
12 - 6 pm
If you call or walk in, I make no promises on being able to get you any merchandise, but I will tell you, as I have always done in the past, I will do everything I can to fulfill your needs.
Closed Thursday 11/28 ‘Happy Thanksgiving’
Open Friday 11/29 ‘Day after Thanksgiving’ for Pre-Orders Only
Back open Regular Hours Saturday 11/30
Call In Your Christmas Order: 678-878-2922
1. The sooner you place your order, you assure your pick up date. Pick up days
become sold out usually a week plus out from Christmas.
2. As noted on Thanksgiving, if you want a turkey for Christmas, it must be
pre-ordered before Thanksgiving. I will then freeze and then slack out for your Christmas order pick up.
I always order some extra birds for Christmas – limited number of birds available if you forgot to order.
3. Nueske's Spiral cut bone-in 1/2 ham, available for pre-order.
Special Hours of operation for the Christmas period:
Open for pre-order pick ups ONLY:
If you call or walk in, I make no promises on being able to get you any merchandise, but I will tell you that IF you do, as I have always done in the past, I will do everything I can to fulfill your needs.
Monday 12/23, Tuesday 12/24
12 - 6 pm
Back open for regular hours Friday 12/27
Place your New Year's Eve and that weekend pre-orders early.
New Year's Eve falls on the following Tuesday.
Pre-Order!! Pre-Order!! Pre-Order!!